Outhouse to the Penthouse

Outhouse to the Penthouse

Inside The Rock

Mountaineer Fans and House United family, welcome back to ‘Inside the Rock’, a behind-the-scenes blog on App State Football. For those of you that are new, my name is Trey Schaneville and I am a graduate transfer kicker for your Mountaineers, and I am excited to share my experiences within the App State football program with you. Be sure to subscribe to Houseunitedsports.com newsletter to never miss a blog, and to be notified of upcoming promotions and events.

Thanks to the generosity and support of App State alumni, the Yosef Club, and House United; my teammates and I are able to earn a world-class education while playing a sport that we love in
front of the best fans in the country. Continue your support by visiting and subscribing to houseunitedsports.com, where 20% of your purchases will be given to support the student-athletes you read about in this blog.

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Outhouse to the Penthouse

What a win last week against Coastal Carolina! Not only was it another great win at The Rock, but it was in front of the 4th largest crowd in App State history, 31,061 fans... On a WEDNESDAY NIGHT! To put that into perspective, the population of Boone, NC is only 19,119. The majority of those people had work or class the next day, and we still managed to bring in 31,000+ fans! Many of my teammates who have been at App for 4 or 5 years were
saying that the game was probably the loudest they have ever experienced at The Rock. The support we receive on a weekly basis is unreal, and we are happy we were able to grind out a
huge win at home for you guys.

No better way to win a hard-fought game than a game-winning field goal right!? Well, maybe not everybody thinks that, but as a kicker, I sure do. Chandler continues to be lights out and reliable
whenever his number is called, and he definitely was ready to go last Wednesday night. I remember in the very beginning of the season, we were talking about how he has never hit a time-expiring, game-winning field goal in his career. I was joking around with him saying, “man, how the heck have you never hit a game-winner, you’ve been here for almost 10 years!” (more
like 6 years, but I was just giving him a hard time). Well, the time finally arrived, and after the game he said, “I’ve been waiting 6 years for that kick.” He was ready when the moment came,
and I couldn’t be happier for him.

After the kick, of course, I ran out on the field with the rest of the team to celebrate. What I didn’t realize was that 10,000 fans also had the same idea. As I was running to go celebrate with Chandler and the rest of the field goal team, I got blindsided by a couple students who were also charging the field. I think it hurt, but I couldn’t really tell because of all of the adrenaline and excitement. I guess I have to work on my peripheral vision a little bit. Anyway, I was stuck in the middle of everyone that charged the field, and my first instinct was to get the heck out of there.

However, it began to hit me that this may never happen again in my life! I decided to take it all in and enjoy the uniqueness and emotion of that moment. Soon enough, though, I was like, “Okay that’s enough, time to get out of here”.

Three things that I learned from our win on Wednesday night was how amazing App State football fans are, how tough and persevering our team is, and to never take my helmet off before
storming the field when there are 10,000 students running full speed at me.

Despite the importance and excitement of that win against Coastal Carolina, we move on and start focusing on the next. 1-0, that’s all that matters. We control our destiny, and one loss can rip
our championship hopes away from us. After our loss against Louisiana, we were in the outhouse. Nobody believed in us, except for us. Now, after that win against Coastal, we are back
in the penthouse. It’s easy to forget sometimes that the distance from the penthouse to the outhouse is the same as the distance from the outhouse to the penthouse. To get back on top of
the Sun Belt Conference, we will need to take it one game at a time, and never overlook an opponent. Next up, Louisiana-Monroe.

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Great blog!! And what a game!! At the time we were watching the fans and team on the field celebrating we felt so apart of the entire experience!!! G


Living in Melbourne, FL and so far away from Boone it was wonderful to be able to watch the game last week and celebrate the awesome win with Chandler’s field goal. Congratulations to the team on this unbelievable win. Thanks to Trey Schaneville for keeping us up to date on his blog.

Carol Ellis

Another great blog! I was there for the CCU game. I drove all the from Myrtle Beach to see the game. That was the first time I got to see App beat a ranked team in person and you were right about it being loud. We were hitting chairs and clapping very loudly on every third down. Such a great team effort to win that game. Now onto to the next Beat ULM! Go App!

Warren Boyette

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